How to text a message in Android Wear

I believe that sending text messages to your beloved one is as much as easy that you tell other to text someone so far we have seen Smartphone’s, smart books but today we had included smart  watch into our database that shows time s well as it can text somebody

We, here at our blog will navigate you about how to send or text a message using android wear easily. Always it doesn’t matter whether you have got something like LG smart devices or Motorola’s Moto G although it doesn’t matter here discussing about it but rather it will be workings the same on all three devices only the matter is just a small number of words.


Texting or Sending a message by means of your Android Wear smart wristwatch and it’s smart enough to build out whatever your saying may be but it types according to your voice messages you utter.

In order to send a text message by means of Android Wear smart watch, here you have got a small number of options. Out of all features given in Android Wear smart the best and finest is notify or tell your smart watch to do it.

Also we have another common option which is slightly considered way that is to tapping into the list of procedures, and then select send a text to key. As you opted for a sending a text here you will also asked to select whom you wish to send message and what you desire the message to speak. And it has got two options that whenever the android Wear smart fails to hear your voice you can simply cancel or can try to change it again.

A prompt to Google Voice users away here: When you text a message in this way, it’s the identical as doing it in the course of a voice action on your mobile. It will make use of the default SMS app, whether that’s associates or a watch or anything. And that is Google Voice isn’t concerned, and the text will come into view from the mobile’s real number and not Google Voice number.

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